
Bernard Herrmann’s Score to ‘Psycho’

When “Psycho” first played in movie theatres, the film’s horror was matched by i”He thought that it would be most effective if the audience simply heard Janet Leigh’s screams, her struggling, the sounds of the knife and then the water running,” Steven Smith says. “His collaboration with Herrmann was so close, however, that Benny knew, `Well, I have a different idea,’ and he wanted to try writing music for that. And he knew that if Hitchcock didn’t like it, they didn’t have to use it. But Benny went ahead and wrote what has become, I think, the most famous hue in the history of film music for the shower scene. And I think one of the proudest moments of his career as a film composer was when Hitchcock later told him that he, Hitchcock, was disappointed with the way the shower scene was playing; that it did need music. And Benny later said that he told Hitchcock, `Well, I did compose something. Would you like to hear it?’ And he played it for Hitchcock, and Hitch said, `Well, absolutely, we’ll use that.’ And Benny, rubbing it in, said, `But you said no music,’ to which Hitchcock replied, `Improper suggestion, my boy. Improper suggestion.'”

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